Take Your Healthcare Online
At Michigan Primary Care Partners, we continue to monitor the state’s response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) while working to ensure the safety of our patients, their families, and the community. As a result, we are now offering the following services:
- Telehealth – An opportunity to skip the waiting room and drive, and hop online with one of our providers for your appointment.
- West Michigan Pharmacy(opens in a new tab) Curb-Side pickup and Mail Order Delivery – Please call to request the option that best fits your need at (231) 305-4095.
Telehealth appointments require:
- A mobile device, tablet, or computer with internet access
- If using a computer – it will need an external microphone and camera
Once you have scheduled your telehealth appointment, you should receive an email like this image on the right. Once it’s time to start your appointment, it’s as easy as clicking on the Start Televisit button and you’ll be connected with your Michigan Primary Care Partners provider.
No Need to Download an App
No Waiting
No Fuss
Just Great Care at Your Fingertips.
When you call to Schedule Your Telehealth Appointment please press option 1 and then option 2. You will be connected with a member of our scheduling team who can help you book your virtual appointment.
What to Expect from Your Telehealth Visit

Michigan Primary Care Partners provider, Patti Bell, FNP, explains how a telemedicine visit works, and what conditions are best handled during those online appointments.
Posted March 16, 2020
In this time of uncertainty, due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), our goal at Michigan Primary Care Partners, West Michigan Pain, and West Michigan Surgery Center is to provide comprehensive, compassionate, and necessary care for our patients. We will continue to operate under normal business hours. If you have a scheduled appointment with our office, please plan to keep it, unless you are experiencing:
– Fever
– Cough
– Other flu-like symptoms
Telehealth Option Now Offered at MPCP!
To help serve those patients with the above symptoms, and those who do not wish to come into the office for routine care, we will soon begin offering telemedicine visits.
To use our telehealth service, contact our office at (231) 592-1360, to schedule an appointment time. (Press option 1 and then option 2) We will then provide you with a link to get you connected with one of our providers online.
Telehealth appointments require:
- A mobile device, tablet, or computer with internet access
- If using a computer – it will need an external microphone and camera
Those planning to visit one of our medical practices in person are asked to bring only one additional healthy person with them to their appointment.
For further information please call our office at (231) 592-1360. Our team members are here to help direct you for all your medical needs.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19(opens in a new tab), please refer to the CDC website(opens in a new tab).
West Michigan Pharmacy(opens in a new tab) Curb-Side pick up and Mail Order Delivery – Please call to request the option that best fits your need at (231) 305-4095.
As always, if you are experiencing a true medical emergency dial 911, or proceed to the nearest emergency department. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
Girish Juneja, MD
Rashmi Juneja, MD
Michigan Primary Care Partners I West Michigan Pain I West Michigan Surgery Center